Wednesday, September 19, 2007

AVAST, me hearties!

It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Pour a pint of grog and party like it's 1799!

You are The Quartermaster

You, me hearty, are a man or woman of action! And what action it is! Gruesome, awful, delightful action. You mete out punishment to friend and foe alike – well, mostly to foe, because your burning inner rage isn’t likely to draw you a whole lot of the former. Still, though you may be what today is called “high maintenance” and in the past was called “bat-shit crazy,” the crew likes to have you around because in a pinch your maniacal combat prowess may be the only thing that saves them from Jack Ketch. When not in a pinch, the rest of the crew will goad you into berserker mode because it’s just kind of fun to watch. So you provide a double service – doling out discipline AND entertainment.

What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!


Rick Sullivan said...

Yaaarrrrr! I be thankin' ye for the luverly greetin' caarrrrd that ye sent me o'er the intaaarrr-nets! Ye truly aaaarrrrre a winsome, buxom wench, almost as much as me own fine wench! In fact, if they ever did Star Trek: the Next Generation, ye could be cast as Tasha Yaaarrrr!

Okay, that's way too silly... ;-)


GeekGoddess said...

Ha! Yeah. I think the Tasha Yar bit took it over the top. :-D

Glad you liked the card. Buddy has good taste. :-D

Anonymous said...


I can't believe I missed this. In my defense, I was getting an ACL reconstructed and was blitzkrieged on Percocets and general anesthesia.


GeekGoddess said...

Hmmmm... the bliss of Percocet or talking like a pirate... you might have had the better deal!