Thursday, October 02, 2008

In Palin's Name

(Many apologies to my Babylon 5-savvy readers out there for the title...)

Just a little progress report on the Palin Planned Parenthood phenomena from The Democratic Daily:

"As of Friday, Planned Parenthood had taken in $802,678 in donations from 31,313 people, said a spokesman for the organization, Tait Sye."

Freakin' sweet.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that Palin doesn't even support abortion in cases of rape? Or incest?


She told Katie Couric that she would take her pro-life stance 1 step further and offer more counseling and support to rape victims. Woooooo!!! What a novel idea. Give rape victims counseling.

GeekGoddess said...

Her gosh-darn perfect small town also advocated charging rape victims $1200 to pay for the own Rape Kits.


Now THERE'S loving Christian values for ya!